MOTO or MOTO PRO? Which experience is right for you?

If you're new to wearing earplugs & are not sure which filter reduction is right for you while you ride this is a great place to start.
Our MOTO earplugs include three filter reduction sets in 17dB, 20dB & 26dB to customize your experience.
Our original two coned earplug is ultra comfortable and includes small and standard sizes for your best fit.

MOTO PRO elevates and dials in your preferred riding experience. Multi-layered filter technology delivers mastered attenuation.
Select from 20dB or 24dB PRO filter reduction. Our patented PRO earplugs provide a complete seal for an optimal fit.
Includes two sets of PRO Contour™ Earplugs in standard and large sizes for your best fit.